Questions And Answers On Better Homes And Gardens Bedding
Rachel asks…
plastic garden beds seen on better homes and gardens?
i saw the episode a few weeks ago, does anyone know where to get them from??? they’re plastic but look like wood. thanx.
Home Gardener answers:
Try one of the bigger garden centres, they might sell them
or b&q
Don asks…
I MUST find this bedding set from one BHG book?
I went to the library and got the book COLOR SCHEMES MADE EASY by Better Homes and Gardens.
On page75 there is the most gorgeous bedding set. I MUST have it. I can’t find anywhere in the book where it lists the design or company name for it, nothing. I can’t find anything helpful on the BHG website.
Does ANYONE know where I can find this bedding?
it’s the NEW colors schemes made easy 2008 edition
Home Gardener answers:
You could contact BHG customer service and give them the details of the item and the book you saw it in. Try emailing them at this email address:
Good luck.
Shelley asks…
which comforter do you like better for my room?
I am painting my walls a light blue color.
which bed do you like
Black and White theme: (in white)
Blue and Brown theme:
Home Gardener answers:
I think the black and white will look nicer with the light blue walls.
You can bring more blues into the room in the way of a throw rug and throw pillows.
Then some black & white art or posters on the walls and it will all come together.
Thomas asks…
searchin for a bedding collection?
im lookin for the fantasia collection from the better homes and garden line. iv found the curtains at walmart but they dont seem to carry any of the bedding products that go along with it and im searching for the pillow shams to complete the collection i already have. does anyone know where i can find them at?
Home Gardener answers:
Check with better homes and garden….
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