Archive for July, 2011
Questions And Answers On Grow Your Own Food Book
Rachel asks…
What is the best thorough reference book for specific questions about growing fruits, nuts, and vegetables,?
Id like to know things like what specific soil, sun, and most importantly, growing from seed. A good reference book for flowers , I found was the A- Z guide to growing plants from seed to bloom. I found her sister book not nearly as thorough, and couldnt find many plants. Are there any really good reference books for growing your own food plants. …thank you ,
Home Gardener answers:
All about Growing Fruits, Berries and Nuts , this book is by Ortho. It is a great reference book. They also have one that is called All About Vegetables. I have both of these titles and look back at both of these for lots of answers.
Bob asks…
Where can I get info on how to achieve good nutrition?
I understand very basic concepts esp. eating more fruits and vegies than meats and potatoes BUT I want to know how to shop at the grocery store. I realize you really can’ t trust food that is engineered for profit and not for anyones well being. I don’t however have time to grow my own food without GM or raise animals without hormone treatments for consumption. Also much of the information on the web seems to lead you to buy somebody’s book. All the martin’s and food lion’s are wall to wall with toxins BUT if you buy my book I’ll tell you how to eat. Well i say bogus I would like some websites with unbiased information on how to shop for healthy eating and living. This is an immensely involved and time consuming task but I will persevere without somebody’s book. thank you for your help!
Home Gardener answers:
Very good question there are plenty of things i can help you with on this subject. First, yes you do need lots of fruits and veggies but you dont have to eat more than protein and carbohydrates. Leaner meats such as Salmon, Tuna, and Chicken, are very nutritious and the protein is extremely good for you. You should eat 6 small meals everyday with all those things listed and you can have carbs but make sure they do not derive from sugars. Eating six smaller meals per day will raise your metabolism to burn more calories while your resting. Hope this helps you and if you need anymore info you can email me at –
Davina asks…
Know of any books on creating an eco village/community?
I am trying to create a business plan (for real) for creating a sustainable community down in the caribbean. Does anybody know of any books or models I might follow? This would be someplace that I would plan on living with others. I need all the info, from soup to nuts on what is necessary. Any ideas for books or models? Have you seen anything that would help actually create a sustainable living system (zero waste, grow your own food, environmental justice, having outside jobs, etc)
Home Gardener answers:
It Takes an Ecovillage: Green Learning Begins with Hands-On Community Experience by Rhonda Bernstein.
Jane asks…
Is it possible to be 100% self sufficient?
I mean grow your own food and heat your own home without relying on oil and gas. I think I read this once in a book called Bioneers. She used composting to heat home and so on. Anyone know about this.
Home Gardener answers:
The answer is yes, and no. To do the things you listed, like growing your own food, and living in a house totally off grid, then yes, you can do that.
To be 100% self sufficient….no, you cannot do that. Pretty much you need things from the outside world. Example, are you going to become a cobbler, and make your own shoes? Are you going to make pilgrimages to collect your own salt? If you can your own foods, you will still need lids for the canning jars. Will you grow your own sugar beets, or sugar cane, and make your own sugar?
My husband and I live on a permaculture farm. We grow most of our own food, or buy from the local farmers market (closed now that it’s started to snow in my area of Idaho).
We grow rapeseed (canola) and make our own biofuel (that means we are independant of the gas station). With this we run our trucks and tractors, and harvest our crops (rapeseed and alfalfa). The alfalfa is fed to the animals. In turn they produce manure to fertilize our fields.
If you want to talk about a smaller scale, my rabbits provide manure. The manure falls into worm bins below their hutches. The lovely, rich worm/rabbit manure mixture is used on my garden area. The garden area provides a lot of our food. You need to learn how to waterbath can, pressure can, freeze, dehydrate, and smoke foods, to preserve your harvest. You must have a really well equipted kitchen, with sturdy, long lasting items.
When you raise your own foods, your life becomes about making, and storing foods. Grab one of the Little House On the Prarie books, and give it a read with a highlighter. Highlight every comment on food preperation, storage, planting, ect. That gives you a tiny idea of what your life will be like.
Frankly without a spouse commited to the same lifestyle it’s really difficult.
We will be buying more land. We will grow our own wheat, and use the straw to build our totally off grid straw bale house. Powered/heated via solar, wind, hydro if it’s legal, and a Central Boiler (that is a name brand).
My husband currently works on the commercial wind turbines. He is VERY mechanically gifted. Having a really good grasp of carpentry, or mechanical things will help you in this lifestyle.
You need to be very independant minded, and in pretty good physical shape to undertake this lifestyle. By the way, you also still need to earn, or produce an income, since Uncle Sam wants his tax money.
Homesteading/Farming over 20 years
Paul asks…
Can someone help me with my History quiz?
1.To get businesses on board with transitioning economic production into war-related production before the war, the government signed nontraditional types of contracts with companies. These contracts were called
A.guaranteed-profit contracts.
B.cost-plus contracts.
C.profit-ensured contracts.
D.production-profit contracts.
2.Which of the following was crucial to the rapid creation of war vehicles, materials, and supplies in the United States during the war, ultimately contributing to the success of the Allies?
A.Raw material supplies from Britain
B.New computer-guided machinery technology
C.An influx of factory workers from France
D.Mass production techniques
3.What did Congress do to increase the size of the military before the U.S. involvement in World War II?
A.Raised the pay for military recruits
B.Prohibited soldiers from leaving the military
C.Created a draft
D.Tried to recruit more volunteers
4.Many African Americans promoted a Double V campaign, which was what?
A.Victory in the Atlantic and Pacific campaigns
B.Victory in the war and in the way African Americans were viewed in Europe
C.Victory against Germany and Italy
D.Victory against Hitler’s racism and racism in America
5.How did the war change American attitudes about women?
A.The war showed that women could perform many jobs just as well as men.
B.The war proved that women could fight in combat missions.
C.The war reinforced the idea that women were best being housewives and secretaries.
D.The war allowed women many new privileges, but did not change the role of women in American society.
6.Why did so many Mexican immigrants come to the United States during the war?
A.To escape the fighting in Mexico
B.To work in the fields harvesting fruits and vegetables
C.To try and join the U.S. military so they could fight in Europe
D.To escape persecution in Mexico
7.How were Japanese Americans discriminated against during the war?
A.They were not allowed to shop in certain stores.
B.No factories would hire them to work.
C.They were rounded up in the West Coast and sent to internment camps.
D.The government did not allow discrimination against them in any way.
8.Which of the following had the most significant effect on the mobilization of U.S. industry from consumer-good production to war-material production?
A.Guaranteed payments from the US government to convert to war-material production
B.The German invasion of and victory in France
C.Roosevelt’s creation of the War Production Board
D.The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
9.Why did people collect tin cans, pots, pans, bikes, and other materials to give to the government?
A.To make money for themselves
B.To help ensure there were enough raw materials for war production
C.To clean out their homes
D.To hand these items over to the factories, as required by the government.
10.How did the United States government deal with the shortage of foods in American society?
A.Made people grow their own food in gardens
B.Imported more food from neighboring countries
C.Created coupon books to ration out certain food items every month
D.Required U.S. farmers to increase production of specific crops to address the shortage
I know, I know, “we’re not here to do your homework.” If it helps, it’s not really homework. ;D Seriously, though; if you aren’t going to help don’t bother commenting. If you will, then that would be great! I just need this quiz because I am behind and I can’t log in to my ebook to read this chapter.
Yes I would like if someone would just give me the answers. This is the first and only time I will ever do this. So, please? (=
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