Questions And Answers On Grow Your Own Food Book
Rachel asks…
What is the best thorough reference book for specific questions about growing fruits, nuts, and vegetables,?
Id like to know things like what specific soil, sun, and most importantly, growing from seed. A good reference book for flowers , I found was the A- Z guide to growing plants from seed to bloom. I found her sister book not nearly as thorough, and couldnt find many plants. Are there any really good reference books for growing your own food plants. …thank you ,
Home Gardener answers:
All about Growing Fruits, Berries and Nuts , this book is by Ortho. It is a great reference book. They also have one that is called All About Vegetables. I have both of these titles and look back at both of these for lots of answers.
Bob asks…
Where can I get info on how to achieve good nutrition?
I understand very basic concepts esp. eating more fruits and vegies than meats and potatoes BUT I want to know how to shop at the grocery store. I realize you really can’ t trust food that is engineered for profit and not for anyones well being. I don’t however have time to grow my own food without GM or raise animals without hormone treatments for consumption. Also much of the information on the web seems to lead you to buy somebody’s book. All the martin’s and food lion’s are wall to wall with toxins BUT if you buy my book I’ll tell you how to eat. Well i say bogus I would like some websites with unbiased information on how to shop for healthy eating and living. This is an immensely involved and time consuming task but I will persevere without somebody’s book. thank you for your help!
Home Gardener answers:
Very good question there are plenty of things i can help you with on this subject. First, yes you do need lots of fruits and veggies but you dont have to eat more than protein and carbohydrates. Leaner meats such as Salmon, Tuna, and Chicken, are very nutritious and the protein is extremely good for you. You should eat 6 small meals everyday with all those things listed and you can have carbs but make sure they do not derive from sugars. Eating six smaller meals per day will raise your metabolism to burn more calories while your resting. Hope this helps you and if you need anymore info you can email me at –
Davina asks…
Know of any books on creating an eco village/community?
I am trying to create a business plan (for real) for creating a sustainable community down in the caribbean. Does anybody know of any books or models I might follow? This would be someplace that I would plan on living with others. I need all the info, from soup to nuts on what is necessary. Any ideas for books or models? Have you seen anything that would help actually create a sustainable living system (zero waste, grow your own food, environmental justice, having outside jobs, etc)
Home Gardener answers:
It Takes an Ecovillage: Green Learning Begins with Hands-On Community Experience by Rhonda Bernstein.
Jane asks…
Is it possible to be 100% self sufficient?
I mean grow your own food and heat your own home without relying on oil and gas. I think I read this once in a book called Bioneers. She used composting to heat home and so on. Anyone know about this.
Home Gardener answers:
The answer is yes, and no. To do the things you listed, like growing your own food, and living in a house totally off grid, then yes, you can do that.
To be 100% self sufficient….no, you cannot do that. Pretty much you need things from the outside world. Example, are you going to become a cobbler, and make your own shoes? Are you going to make pilgrimages to collect your own salt? If you can your own foods, you will still need lids for the canning jars. Will you grow your own sugar beets, or sugar cane, and make your own sugar?
My husband and I live on a permaculture farm. We grow most of our own food, or buy from the local farmers market (closed now that it’s started to snow in my area of Idaho).
We grow rapeseed (canola) and make our own biofuel (that means we are independant of the gas station). With this we run our trucks and tractors, and harvest our crops (rapeseed and alfalfa). The alfalfa is fed to the animals. In turn they produce manure to fertilize our fields.
If you want to talk about a smaller scale, my rabbits provide manure. The manure falls into worm bins below their hutches. The lovely, rich worm/rabbit manure mixture is used on my garden area. The garden area provides a lot of our food. You need to learn how to waterbath can, pressure can, freeze, dehydrate, and smoke foods, to preserve your harvest. You must have a really well equipted kitchen, with sturdy, long lasting items.
When you raise your own foods, your life becomes about making, and storing foods. Grab one of the Little House On the Prarie books, and give it a read with a highlighter. Highlight every comment on food preperation, storage, planting, ect. That gives you a tiny idea of what your life will be like.
Frankly without a spouse commited to the same lifestyle it’s really difficult.
We will be buying more land. We will grow our own wheat, and use the straw to build our totally off grid straw bale house. Powered/heated via solar, wind, hydro if it’s legal, and a Central Boiler (that is a name brand).
My husband currently works on the commercial wind turbines. He is VERY mechanically gifted. Having a really good grasp of carpentry, or mechanical things will help you in this lifestyle.
You need to be very independant minded, and in pretty good physical shape to undertake this lifestyle. By the way, you also still need to earn, or produce an income, since Uncle Sam wants his tax money.
Homesteading/Farming over 20 years
Paul asks…
Can someone help me with my History quiz?
1.To get businesses on board with transitioning economic production into war-related production before the war, the government signed nontraditional types of contracts with companies. These contracts were called
A.guaranteed-profit contracts.
B.cost-plus contracts.
C.profit-ensured contracts.
D.production-profit contracts.
2.Which of the following was crucial to the rapid creation of war vehicles, materials, and supplies in the United States during the war, ultimately contributing to the success of the Allies?
A.Raw material supplies from Britain
B.New computer-guided machinery technology
C.An influx of factory workers from France
D.Mass production techniques
3.What did Congress do to increase the size of the military before the U.S. involvement in World War II?
A.Raised the pay for military recruits
B.Prohibited soldiers from leaving the military
C.Created a draft
D.Tried to recruit more volunteers
4.Many African Americans promoted a Double V campaign, which was what?
A.Victory in the Atlantic and Pacific campaigns
B.Victory in the war and in the way African Americans were viewed in Europe
C.Victory against Germany and Italy
D.Victory against Hitler’s racism and racism in America
5.How did the war change American attitudes about women?
A.The war showed that women could perform many jobs just as well as men.
B.The war proved that women could fight in combat missions.
C.The war reinforced the idea that women were best being housewives and secretaries.
D.The war allowed women many new privileges, but did not change the role of women in American society.
6.Why did so many Mexican immigrants come to the United States during the war?
A.To escape the fighting in Mexico
B.To work in the fields harvesting fruits and vegetables
C.To try and join the U.S. military so they could fight in Europe
D.To escape persecution in Mexico
7.How were Japanese Americans discriminated against during the war?
A.They were not allowed to shop in certain stores.
B.No factories would hire them to work.
C.They were rounded up in the West Coast and sent to internment camps.
D.The government did not allow discrimination against them in any way.
8.Which of the following had the most significant effect on the mobilization of U.S. industry from consumer-good production to war-material production?
A.Guaranteed payments from the US government to convert to war-material production
B.The German invasion of and victory in France
C.Roosevelt’s creation of the War Production Board
D.The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
9.Why did people collect tin cans, pots, pans, bikes, and other materials to give to the government?
A.To make money for themselves
B.To help ensure there were enough raw materials for war production
C.To clean out their homes
D.To hand these items over to the factories, as required by the government.
10.How did the United States government deal with the shortage of foods in American society?
A.Made people grow their own food in gardens
B.Imported more food from neighboring countries
C.Created coupon books to ration out certain food items every month
D.Required U.S. farmers to increase production of specific crops to address the shortage
I know, I know, “we’re not here to do your homework.” If it helps, it’s not really homework. ;D Seriously, though; if you aren’t going to help don’t bother commenting. If you will, then that would be great! I just need this quiz because I am behind and I can’t log in to my ebook to read this chapter.
Yes I would like if someone would just give me the answers. This is the first and only time I will ever do this. So, please? (=
Home Gardener answers:
Do you really want answers like a cheat
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Questions And Answers On Organic Home Gardening
Chris asks…
Harvested fresh organic spinach from home garden; it tasted like grass. What went wrong?
Home Gardener answers:
Are you sure you actually have spinach?
I don’t know of any reason that could cause spinach to not taste like it really supposed to, if anything the flavor should be better.
Richard asks…
Organic practices increase home value?
Will creating an organic garden or using eco-friendly paints on my home help with it’s value? I want to do some improvements but keep along the idea of things better for the environment. Are there woods that aren’t chemically treated for floors or building a deck?
Home Gardener answers:
It will appeal to a subset of people. That’s about all you can say. I would appreciate it, but know some who wouldn’t.
I know of no wood for making decks with that don’t require either preservative or paint to protect it. Even redwood needs oil to prolong it, plus they are such beautiful trees.
Davina asks…
Question about rain collection and organic gardening?
Do the plastic rain barrels off-gas chemicals into the rain water that would pollute the soil and vegetables?
Are there alternatives to plastic rain collection barrels???
What type of roofing do you need to use for rain collection so that chemicals from the roofing materials do not get washed into the water, and into the soil and vegetables???
Any info would be great. I would like to try and turn our little urban home into an ‘urban homestead’ and become a bit more self-sufficient. Thanks.
Home Gardener answers:
Collect the rain in plastic barrels. Nothing to worry about. Many homes have plastic piping for their drinking water supply.Nothing on the roof will harm you. The rain has fallen through dirty sky before it gets to you.
I have noticed that with my garden when I water with the hose nothing seems to happen. Just get one dose of normal rain and the plants seem to grow dramatically. I guess that they don’t like the chlorine and fluoride in the drinking water.
Jane asks…
Organic Gardening,?
Do you anything about organic fertilizers, Home made,
Home Gardener answers:
If you choose to use manures, especially from animals that pass some of the seeds, you have to let the compost pile heat up hot enough to kill those seeds (160 -180 degrees, I think), otherwise they will come up in your garden. There are many good books on both organic gardening & composting. I used the Encylopedia of Compost.
Some helpful links…
1. )
MANY more, just type.. Organic Gardening .. Or .. Compost/Composting .. Into your browser.
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Questions And Answers On Home Vegetable Gardening Plants
Mark asks…
gnats in plants inside home?
I guess they are called fungus gnats. I started vegetables inside my home to plant later in my garden and they are infested with the gnats. Do I have to change the soil? Can I just use the potato trick to get rid of them?
Home Gardener answers:
The only sure way is to use some BT (Bacillus thuringiensis ) in the soil to kill the larvae. It usually takes two cycles to full kill them off.
BT is safe for people, plants, pets and kids.
Charlie asks…
Vegetable Plants?
on monday me and my mom went to my aunt’s house and got some plants for our yard and some for our garden. well when we were taking the plants home in our car, our acorn squash plant was almost completely severed in half but it is still hanging on a little bit. is it still possible to save this plant and if so what do i do. i think it is still growing because an acorn squash is starting to produce and it wasnt there the other day so is there any way i can save it. and what should i do
Home Gardener answers:
Get some roottone ( not sure of the spelling) the powder on the cut part of the plant, the put the entire old root system and the cut part under the soil and this should help as the additive will help new roots to form at the cut part.
Davina asks…
What plants do you suggest for my Northern IL garden?
I live in outside Chicago and am new to gardening in this region. My home faces North, my backyard gets all day sun, front yard morning sun and the right side of my home late afternoon sun. I have no trees. What plants can you suggest for the various areas of my yard? I’d like to plant roses along the right side of my home but don’t know if they can grow here in IL- I don’t see many around in other peoples yards. I’d also like to plant a vegetable garden but wonder how it would do in my backyard which receives so much intense sunshine and heat during the summer months. Any guidance is appreciated… What do you like to grow? What have you found doesn’t work? Do you have any websites you can refer me to? Thanks!
Home Gardener answers:
Perennials like roses should have a zone rating that lets you know the coldest zone that they will grow in. You live in a hardiness zone 5b. I live in a 5b zone and roses do fine as long as they are not rated for a zone warmer than 5b. Vegetables like heat and sunshine. Grow tomatoes, peppers, and green beans. If you have the room try some zucchini. Black Seeded Simpson lettuce and radishes are good to try. Peas have to be planted early in the season and your garden may not be workable at the right time. Corn doesn’t do well in small stands since it is air pollinated.
Wayne asks…
Where to purchase vegetable seeds and plants online in India?
For home garden
Home Gardener answers:
For sending enquiry to following please open site >>>
Dawn Exports, Coimbatore – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
Engaged in supply of horticulture products jatropha curcas seeds, jatropha oil seeds, jatropha seedlings, castor oil seeds, neem oil cakes, jatropha biodiesel, natural biodiesel and physic nut.
Surendra Ray and Co. – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of spice seeds such as cummin seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, corriander seeds and celery seeds. Also supply turmeric powder, chilli powder, cummin powder, curry powder, black pepper powder and turmeric fingers.
Rolex Impex Co. – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers and exporters of psyllium products including psyllium seeds, psyllium husk, psyllium husk powder and psyllium industrial kha kha powder.
Rampal – Madurai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Engaged in sourcing herbal extracts, naturalplant products, green extractives, betel leaf, coriander leaf, curry leaf, garlic, green pepper, green chilli and green ginger.
Sopariwala Exports – Mumbai, Maharastra (India)
Supplier and exporter of sesame seeds, oil seeds, pulses, spices and other agro and food products.
Sharda Phytogenetics Pvt. Ltd. – Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
Reaserchers and producers of vegetable seeds, vegetable plant seeds like onion seeds, radish seeds, ridge gourd seeds, summer crops, bottle gourd, indian squash seeds, round gourd seeds, coriander seeds, spinach seeds and carrot seeds.
Mother Herbs (P) Ltd. – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
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Supplying seeds such as neem seeds, niger seed, basil seeds, datura seeds, henna seeds, senna seeds, psyllium seeds, elephant creeper seeds, poppy seeds, ashwagandha seeds, jambolan seeds, vinca rosea seeds and ambrette seeds.
Ruchi Overseas – Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers and exporters of psyllium products such as psyllium seeds, psyllium husk powder, psyllium husk, psyllium husk powder flavored and psyllium industrial kha kha powder. Also exports menthol flakes, natural mentho furane etc.
Stanagro Seeds ( A Division of Gorantla Farm Pvt. Ltd.) – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Exporter and supplier of hybrid seeds, tomato seeds, brinjal seeds, ridge gourd seeds, bittergourd seeds, bhendi seeds, ash gourd seeds, cabbage seeds, cauliflower seeds, capsicum seeds, marigold seeds and beet root seeds.
Evergreen Exports – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in supplying oil seeds like pure niger seeds, pure groundnut kernels, pure safflower seeds, mustard seeds, pure sesame seeds, oil seeds, and pure sunflower seeds. Also supply pure pulses, branded pickles, lijjat papads, dyes and intermediates.
Natural Cosmetic Supplies (A Unit of Mother Herbs) – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Suppliers and wholesale exporters of natural herbs such as cucumber seeds, dill seeds, safflower seeds, grape seeds, pumpkin seeds, apricot seeds, musk melon seeds, holy basil seeds and lotus seed seeds for use in various cosmetic applications.
Edible Agro Products Ltd – Kolkata, West Bengal (India)
Engaged in supply of hulled gingelly seeds, roasted gingelly seeds, brown gingelly seeds and red gingelly seeds. Also supply pure refined gingelly oil, roasted gingelly oil, gingelly cooking oil, edible gingelly oil and crude gingelly oil.
Renulakshmi Agro Industries (India) Limited – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
Engaged in manufacturing and exporting jatropha oil seeds, pongamia oil seeds, oil seed plants and herbal plants used for extracting oil. Also supply jatropha oil cakes, pongamia oil cakes, neem oil cakes, non edible oil and oil extraction machines.
Vanashree Agrotech – Pune, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of plantation products, plantation material that includes aromatic plants, medicinal plants, seeds, organic manures, fertilizers, vermi compost and pesticides.
Adeniums India – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Wholesale supplier and exporter of nursery plants, nursery flower plants, adenium obesum plant, adenium swazicum plant, desert rose plant, plumeria flower plant, adenium bohemianum and fertilizers.
Chandrashekhar Exports Private Limited – Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India)
Wholesale suppliers of sesame seeds, cottonseeds, cottonseed oil, sorghum seeds, sesame seed oil, fenugreek seed, sunflower seed, sufflower seed, mustured seed and other agro products.
Green Earth Products – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Exporters and suppliers of sesame seed, black sesame seeds, hulled sesame seeds and other natural sesame seeds. Also offer medicinal herbs, Indian spices, dried flowers, artifical flowers, whole spices, natural herbs, natural dry flowers.
Beawol Global Resources – Mt. Pleasant, Tx (United States of America)
Supplying and exporting various kinds of seeds like red, white and black sesame seeds etc. We also supply sheanuts, cashews, tiger nuts, ginger, black pepper, unrefined shea butter and palm kernel oil.
Exponential Commodity Services Private Limited – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Trader of castor seed, castor seed(disa), mustard seed, sesame seed, cotton seed, soy seed, guar seed, rapeseed, copra seed, rapeseed -42 seed, soybean seed.
Star Impex – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
Exporter of high value tree seeds, jatropha curcus seeds, forest tree seeds, conifer seeds, ornamental shrub seeds, palm seeds, grass seeds, rose wood seeds, sandal wood seeds, eucalyptus tree seeds, silveroak seeds, mahogani seeds etc.
R.K.Industries, Jodhpur – Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)
Supplier of red chillies, turmeric, garlic, curry powder, pulses and small cardamom.
Jayveer Traders – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
Engaged in supply of jatropha curcas seeds and jatropha seedlings that are used to produce the non-edible Jatropha oil that is used as a ingredient in the production of biodiesel. Also supply bio diesel extraction machinery.
Jain Ayurvedics – Lucknow, Uttar Pardesh (India)
Supplier of oil seeds, spices, crude herbs, kalaunji, kirana, singhara and fennel seeds.
Mohamed Umer Abdullabhai and Sons – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in supplying and exporting wide range of oil seeds, raw oilseeds, essential oilseeds, Indian oilseeds and natural oilseeds. Alsos supply food grains, beans, pulses, natural gums and cooking spices.
S.R. International, Mumbai – Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Supplier of ground nut oil seeds, mustard oil seeds and sesame oil seeds. Also supply medicinal herbs that includes senna leaves, gymnema leaves, valerian roots, calamus roots, gentian roots, galangal roots and myrobalans.
Kalpesh Corporation – Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India)
Exporter and manufacturer of psyllium seed, psyllium husk, psyllium husk powder, sesame seeds, fennel seeds and cumin seeds.
Bhavi Incorporation – Vadodara, Gujarat (India)
We supply and export spices and spice seeds including chilli powder, vanilla seeds, mustard seeds, coriander, fenugreek, fennel, ajman seeds, anise seeds, ginger powder, turmeric, garlic, amchur and coriander powder.
Sama Enterprises, Mumbai – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporting tamarind fruits, tamarind seeds, tamarind seed powder, tamarind shell, tamarind kernel, tamarind testa and tamarind gum used for making varnishes, polishing brass, copper and silver, skin ailments, intestinal ailments, pickles and jams.
S. R. Corporation – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of all types of oil seeds, sunflower seeds, hps groundnuts java and bold, blenched groundnuts, niger seeds, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, brown sesame seeds, hulled sesame seeds.
Fine Pest Sulphur, India – Indore, Madhya Pradesh (India)
Manufacturing and supplying vegetable seeds and crop seeds along with agricultural fertilizers, biofertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, zinc sulphate, industrial sulphur, crop fertilizers, agriculture pesticide and plant growth promoter.
Surajbala Exports Private Limited – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Exporting dry herbs, seeds and roots including ashwagandha, babool bark, chitrak roots, camphor leaves, cardamom, castor seeds, celery seeds, garlic seeds, ginger seeds & neem leaves.
Prakruti Foods and Chemicals Private Limited – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in manufacturing and supplying fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, coriander seeds. Also offer essential oils, ice teas, instant coffee, instant milk shakes, instant chutneys, instant soups, namkeens, snack foods.
Reddis N.P. International – Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (India)
Exporters and suppliers of medicinal seeds, medicinal herbs, forest tree seeds, conifers seeds, shrubs seeds, flower seeds, palm seeds, grass seeds, ornamental seeds, shade tree seeds, foliage seeds and more.
Adi Biotech Private Limited – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Supplier and exportesr of jatropha seeds, bio diesel, jatropha curcas, jatropha oil, ratanjot, herbal plants, organic fertiliser etc. Also offer biofuel consultency services, waste land development, organic farming consultancy services etc.
Nile Valley Company – Alexandria, Egypt (Egypt)
Supplier and exporter of coriander seeds, cumin seeds, sunflower seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, celery Seeds and all other types of seeds. Also export fresh and dehydrated seeds, spices like saffron, cardamon, chillies etc.
Thulassi Exports – Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
Supplier and exporter of raw jatropha seeds, jatropha oil seeds, jatropha curcas seeds, jatropda seedlings, castor seeds and castor oil seeds. Also supply coriander powder and coriander leaves.
Natural Herbs and Herbal Products – Haldwani, Uttranchal (India)
Cultivators, processors & suppliers of ayurvedic herbs, natural herbs, medicinal herbs, spice and cosmetic herbs in the form of roots, leaves, flowers, moss, stems, seeds, barks, fruits, rhizomes and whole plants.
D. R Corporation – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporter of sesame seeds, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, chillies, dry ginger, cloves, cardomom, gambier, almonds, pistachoes, wet dates and dry dates betel nuts.
O.M.S.Tamarind Merchants (P) Ltd. – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Engaged in supplying of tamarind seed without fibers to Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka, better known as ‘defibered seed tamarind’. Also exports rose onions, groundnut kernels and golden color indian jaggery powder.
Jaivankhandi Medicinal Herbs – Indore, Madhya Pradesh (India)
Engaged in exporting and supplying aromatic plants, horticulture plants, medicinal plants such as jaropha, withania somnifera dunal, stevia rebaudiana, aloe barbadenisis, poplar, sagwan, papaya and sandle.
Vimal Industries, Mumbai – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in manufacturing tamarind fruit, tamarind kernel powder, tamarind kernel split, tamarind seeds powder, tamarind seed split, tamarind seed husk and tamarind seeds dhall used in textile industry, jute industry, soil stabilizers, explosives, etc.
Nathubhai Cooverji and Sons – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporter of groundnut oil seeds, sesame seeds oil seeds and sunflower oil seeds along with black pepper, ginger, coriander seeds, cummin seeds, fenugreek seeds, red chillies, turmeric powder, dehydrated onion and garlic flakes.
Cure Herbs – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Wholesale supplier of anacyclus pyrethrum, andrographis paniculata, asperagus racemosus, pistacia integerrima, pterocarpus marsupium, quercus infectoria, syzygium cumini, tephrosia purpurea, terminalia arjuna, rubica cardifolla, salmania malabarica.
Commodity Impex – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of oil seeds, spice seeds, celery seeds, mustard seeds, sesame seeds, niger seeds, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, rape seeds and caston seeds.
Shree Vinayak Corporation – Jodhpur, Rajasthan (India)
Wholesale suppliers of psyllium husk seeds and powder, cassia tora seeds, sesame seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, tamarind kernel powder, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, black mustard seeds and dill seeds.
Alankar Herbotechs – Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)
Exporters and suppliers of medicinal neem seeds, raw neem seeds, herb senna leaves, pure senna stems, Indian senna pods, amla fruit, aloe vera plant, medicinal ashwagandha and Indian coleus.
P. M. International, Mumbai – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporters of sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, natural & hulled sesame seeds, ground nut kernels, hulled seasame seeds, musk melon seeds, white sesame seeds, water melon seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Ganesha Hybrid Seeds – Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Engaged in manufacturing and supplying hybrid seed such as vegetable gardening seed, paddy seed, maize seed, chilli pepper seed, tomato plant seed, brinjal seed, okra seed, cowpea seed and bottle gourd seed.
Amrutva Exports Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
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Manufacturer and wholesale exporter of cumin seeds, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, dill seeds, dry red chilli, turmeric fingers, oil seeds, sesame seeds, mustard seeds and dry food.
Shri Chakra Udyog Private Limited – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Bulk suppliers of oil seeds and oil seed extracts such as ground nut jawa seeds, ground nut bold seeds, hulled sesame seeds, natural sesame seeds, sunflower oil seeds, safflower oil seeds, gound kernels, peanut seeds and niger oil seeds.
Shubham Enterprises, Kanpur – Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Engaged in supplying and exporting of seeds that includes papery candied aniseeds, basil seeds, quilted candied aniseeds, niger seeds, rock salt, yellow mustard and black salt.
Floral Seed Company – Dehradun, Uttaranchal (India)
Wholesale suppliers of tree seeds, shrub seeds, palm seeds, bamboo seeds, conifer seeds, fodder crops, grass seeds, green manuring seeds, fruit seeds, medicinal seeds, hedge seeds, flowering shrub, white sesame seeds and other flower seeds.
Rainbow Overseas, Moradabad – Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Exporter of certified seeds like paddy, wheat, sunflower, peas, basmati rice, pulses, spices, food grains like wheat, maize.
Imran Trading Establishment – Thane, Maharashtra (India)
Exporters of oil seeds, sesame seeds, groundnut seeds along with fresh seasonal fruits, garden vegetables, dehydrated vegetables such as onions and potatoes.
Joyschmidt Bharat Engineering Company – Vadodara, Gujarat (India)
Engaged in supplying of paddy seed, wheat seed, beans seed, corn seed, rapeseed seed, vegetable seed, peanut seed, garlic seed, oil seed and other dry seeds.
Amirtha Impex – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Exporters and suppliers of sesame seeds, groundnut kernels, coconut etc.
Om Farms & Nursery – Pune, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in supplying garden plants such as flower plants, fruit plants, water plants, American hibiscus plants, palm plants, orchid plants, avenue plants and interior decoration plants. Also developing lawns and ravishing landscapes.
Herbalway Biotech India Pvt. Ltd – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Exporter and supplier of coffee beans, rose, carnation, anthurium, tuberose, jasmine and cutflowers. Also offer orange, plum, avacoda, vanilla, banana, mango, sapota, coconut, jatropha, capsicum, cabbage, cucumber
Anil Grover and Company – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of celery seeds, dill seeds, fennel seeds, white poppy seeds, parseley seeds, caraway seeds, black cumin seeds, cardamom seeds, sesame seeds and psolarea seeds.
Pas Kosmosis Agro Private Limited – Pune., Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in manufacture and export of coriander seeds, natural sunflower seeds, cummin seeds, natural sesame seeds, annato seeds, natural rape seeds, natural fenugreek seeds and other natural oil seeds. Also offer fruits, spices, vegetables, dry fruits.
Aurohill Trading Private Limited – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Suppliers of oil seeds of ground nut, sesame, sunflower and safflower. Also supply Indian basmati rice, pure basmati rice, non basmati rice, wheat flour, psyllium husk, Indian pickles, sweet pickles, spicy pickles and cucumber gherkins.
Shah Mahendra Kumar and CO. (Export) Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of vegetable seeds including potato seeds, garlic seeds, onion seeds. Also supply whole and grounded spice seeds, oil seeds, fresh alphonso mangoes and pulses.
Shivnath Rai Harnarain (India) Ltd. – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Wholesale suppliers of sesame seeds, indian rice, crystal sugar, Indian spices, soybean meal, Darjeeling tea, indian pulses, wheat grains, industrial salt, yellow maize, yellow sorghum, bakery and confectionery products.
Rainbow International, Gujarat – Anand, Gujarat (India)
Engaged in manufacturing a variety of live plants, medicinal plants, nursery plants, ornamental plants, garden plants, flower plants, fruit bearing plants, roadside tall trees, evergreen shrubs, indoor plants and outdoor plants.
Kamal Foods – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Suppliers of fenugreek seeds, oil seeds, peanut seeds, sesame seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds and pinato seeds.
Rainbow Overseas – Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Manufacturers and exporters of agricultural seeds, food granules, cereals, par boiled rice, broken rice, certified agricultural seeds, cooking spices and sunflower seeds.
Veg India Exports, Erode – Erode, Tamil Nadu (India)
Exporters and suppliers of moringa seed kernels, moringa oil, moringa seeds, moringa leaf powder, moringa seed cake and moringa seed kernel.
Aryan Mushrooms And Bio Fuels – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Engaged in supply and export of jatropha bio-diesel, jatropha tissue culture plant, jatropha plantation, jatropha seeds, ganodroma mushroom, mushroom powder, dry mushroom and biofuels.
Ramasamy Exports and Imports Pvt. Ltd. – Chennai, Tamil Nadu (India)
Supplier of tamarind seed powder, tamarind kernel powder, roasted tamarind powder and testa used in paper adhesives, book binding, plywood adhesives, mosquito coil, agarbattis and toothpaste.
Singhal Merchandise India Private Limited – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporters of fenugreek seeds, cummin seeds, corainder seeds, turmeric seeds, tamarind seeds, fennel seeds and sesame seeds.
AayurMed Biotech Pvt. Ltd. – Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Exporting herbal seeds, herbal plantation materials, ayurvedic herbal seeds, aromatic plant seeds, organic plant seeds, medicinal plant seeds and planting material for commercial cultivation as well as herb gardening.
Royal Seeds Corporation – New Delhi, Delhi (India)
Wholesale supplier and exporter of all kinds gardening vegetable seeds like watermelon seeds, onion seeds, cucumber seeds, peas seeds, bean seeds, carrot seeds, bitter gourd seeds, sudan seeds, musk melon seeds and lady’s finger seeds.
Hindustan Global – Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)
Engaged in exporting and supplying of natural oil seeds and spice seeds including sesame seed, nigella seed, sun flower seed, cummin seed, rape seed, mustard seed, ajwain seed, safflower seed, fennel seed.
Shubhangi Enterprises – Noida, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Engaged in importing Indian vegetable seeds and flower seeds that includes beetroot, cabbage, capsicum, sunflower, carrot, cauliflower, onion, tomato, watermelon, godetia, snapdragon, nasturtium, cosmos, californian poppy and cornflower seeds.
John asks…
What is eating my plants
My fiance and I planted a vegetable garden about a month ago. We started the seeds inside, and (as of a few days ago) the seedlings were in the ground and doing great. Yesterday however, I came home around noon to find half of my plants cut clean in two. The top halves were no where to be found. Do birds do this!? I don’t think it’s a raccoon or anything since there are no “chew” marks on the stalks, and they were snipped around 11am. The plants do not have fruit on them yet, so I can’t see why birds would be attracted to them. I replanted the killed plants with some extra seedlings I had, and came home at noon again today to find the exact same plants snipped off right at the base. I don’t think it could be ants either–too many plants were moved too fast.
We worked so hard on planting all of these from seeds, and I am just very frustrated.
If this isn’t something that birds do
Home Gardener answers:
I had a similar problem, and it turned out that I had a vole in the yard. Voles are like mice, but bigger – yet not as big as moles. They are nocturnal, and it’s sometimes tough to find where they burrow. This is my guess. Doubt the problem is rabbits.
Lisa asks…
How can I get more sunlight in my yard?
I rent a home on a very wooded lot and the yard doesn’t get any sunshine.I want to plant a vegetable garden but I don’t get enough sunlight.How can I get more sunlight without chopping down trees? Please help!!
Home Gardener answers:
You might try thinning out the tree but that would require you hiring a tree trimming company to do that for you.
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Questions And Answers On Home Garden Tips
Charlie asks…
how to keep unwanted cats out of my garden?
need help as the local cats that surround me keep calling by and leaving their buisness card, the little scamps don’t leave their buisness at home,no! they like to keep their own yard clean and use my garden as a dumping ground. would like any useful tips on how to put a stop to this problem, without having to purchase a cannon!!!
Home Gardener answers:
Cats do not like most strongly smelling items, so use of these will deter them. Their own business will also leave smells, so clean this away, and wash thoroughly, as nasty as this may be.
Blocking their entrances, and adding smells to their run through will also deter them. What you use to add smells is up to you, but moth balls, as mentioned elsewhere, are good and are rain proof, can be broken up into smaller pieces. Cayenne pepper and similar stuff, can be used for short term, but gets washed away by rain. If you have a dog, or a friend’s dog, it can be useful adding some of their mess, where they enter. If they use fences to walk along, consider adding something like petroleum jelly, as they won’t want to walk on it.
Something they hate are motion detecting water sprinklers – not so good for our gardens except in summer time, but these can be handy when sited where they like to use. Some sonic repellents may work, but reviews seem to suggest mixed results.
There is a plant, called the Scaredy Cat Plant, which is Coleus canina, which they hate the smell of, but it’s an annual, as it’s not frost hardy.
Finally, sharp twigs, such as with thorns, on the soil will deter them, as they won’t scratch there.
Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Alana asks…
Would you buy a ranch home with the same area above as below, and kitchen above and below with a big garden ?
If you were a family looking for a ranch home, and there were about 2500 sq feet up and another 2500 sq feet of renovated heated space below in the basement, and there was a full kitchen above and below, with a big garden in the front of house and back, would you feel it would be too much area to clean and maintain, taking into consideration that the basement would not be suitable for renting out, as the door leading out of the basement does not have a driveway, since one has to walk over the garden to reach the garage on the main level. The main level is additionally, connected to the basement by means of steps going down within the house into the basement. I feel one would out of necessity need to built a driveway to the basement door in order to be able to sell it with rental potential, as otherwise the area might be too big, in addition to two kitchens being too much to maintain for one family……Any suggestions or tips or ideas?
Home Gardener answers:
I bet you could sell it to an older couple who had a son or daughter who really needed a break like having a basement to move into so he or she could go to school or because his or her job doesn’t allow living independently, especially if there were grandchildren. I don’t think those people would mind having their kids enter and exit through the house, and they would keep the basement clean.
Paul asks…
were did the olive garden situation occur? like what state and what city?
this is about the food being tamperd with at olive garden, like one incident there were a group of people out for lunch and they waited for 25min. and then they finally got there food, they ate some of it then brought the rest of it home. the nest day all of them woke up with lumps on there lips, they went to the Doctor and he said they had herpes. the people got the food tested and there were 7 different tips of semen in there food….
Home Gardener answers:
That’s so crazy i had to look it up!! This is what i found,
I think its too far fetched, would someone really get symptoms of a disease that fast? Come on???
Ken asks…
I lost my cat and need some tips on how to get him back!?
I live in the city and this morning decided to rehome a cat. After bringing the animal home he was obviously a little shaken and escaped into the garden. Hes currently in a confined area and although I cannot see him its obvious he cannot have left a certain green area. Is there any tips I can use to bring this cat back as Id like to get him trained and used to my home as being his. PLEASE HELP!
Home Gardener answers:
What you can do is go to your local animal shelter and see if you can “borrow” their live traps. Place a food at the end of it and it will catch the cat with out harming it.
But …the cat that you just trapped might not be yours.
Susan asks…
How to keep home grown cucumbers fresh?
I picked cucumbers out of my garden today and they are really big.
I need to keep them stored and fresh somehow but I’m not sure how to?
Any tips on how to keep them stored and fresh?
Home Gardener answers:
I ran into the same thing last year. I wash them and put them in the crisper drawer. They stayed good for a week.
Jane asks…
introducing my 1st cat to my home?
Hi, i am getting a cat next week. I have got it from an adoption centre. I have had the home checks and they are very happy with our home, garden and work patterns. 9am – 5pm monday to friday.
I have 2 weeks off work to bond with her.
any tips on what to do in regards to intriducing to the inside and outside. Also Would i be able to let her out during my working day when she is fully introduced to the home?
It is fully neueted and micro chipped. She will be the only cat in our house and is 5 years old. She likes to be lazy around the home but loves to venture outside and laze in the sun.
Home Gardener answers:
Well, first things first, show her where her litter box is. I assume, since she’s from an adoption center, that she knows how to use one. Just make sure she’s aware of it- my best thought would be to give her some food, maybe a toy, and just shut her in the room it’s in (if possible) for a few hours to get used to it. She’ll know what to do. (unless she’s going to go outside and use the grass, which might be highly unlikely, so just be warned)
After that, just let her out and let her *explore*! She’ll be the reigning goddess of her own kingdom in no time. Just make sure to put away anything valuable, such as, if you have fancy decorated dish plates on stands, anything not locked up in a China hutch, something she’d be interested in to push over and see what’s inside (my cat, also 5 years old, has a habit of hopping onto the table and pushing over drinking glasses- full or empty!)
Outside might be trickier. Give her a week inside first, then introduce the outside. Is there any possible way she could get out of your backyard? Some cats are wont to wander around the neighborhood, and only sometimes do they come back. If she is content (or if you know she is content) to just sit around and laze as she pleases, introducing the outside will be no problem! She’ll just do whatever she wants to do and come back inside whenever. Just make sure to watch her so she doesn’t get into anything harmful, or eat too much grass
If she’s just as lazy as you say, I don’t think you’ll have any problems Haha, take care, and best of luck!
Ooh and of course you’ll be able to let her out! Just put away anything valuable, as I’ve said, and she’ll be fine. It’s her kingdom to rule, after all!
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Questions And Answers On Vegetable Garden Layout
Jim asks…
What do I take into consideration when planning the layout of my vegetable garden?
I think that planting some beans next to other vegetables, like squash, will harm the productivity. I remember my parents and grandparents having similar rules when planning,I just don’t remember exactly.Please help…
Home Gardener answers:
First off you want to think about what you are going to plant and what space is required for them to grow properly. Also you must find out the sun requirements, water requirements, and how often you will need to feed.
The best bet is to go to your local gardening center and speak with the out door garden associate.
Rachel asks…
where can I find a “layout” for a vegetable garden that gives dimensions and what to plant?
Home Gardener answers:
These may be what you’re looking for. The last one even offers software.
Bob asks…
What plants in a vegetable garden need to planted next to each other in order to thrive? Or does it matter?
I was given a plot layout years ago for a vegetable garden but of course I’ve missed placed it. I remember being told that you can’t plant potatoes and onions together. Now I’m worried that I’m going to fail before I even really begin.
Home Gardener answers:
Just don’t plant potatoes and onions together. Otherwise, just try to group plants together that grow similarly. Tomatoes and squash grow about the same, and beans and corn will grow in the same of conditions. As long as you aren’t crowding drastically different species together, you’ll do just fine. Ideally, melons, squash, beans, should be in the same part of the garden. Greens, lettuce, turnips, brussel sprouts, beets, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower can be close to each other. Potatoes can have their own individual section as can onions.
Richard asks…
Need help planning garden layout?
I’m planning on having a vegetable garden this year, and need to know the best place to plant so each variety gets the best sun/soil combo. I plan to make raised beds, but not sure with what material yet. Cheaper is better. The garden would include herbs, veggies, and root crops, pretty much anything I eat on a regular basis. Potatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce, corn, cucumbers, green beans, pumpkins, watermelon, etc. I have a large area to plant, but tall pine trees surrounding my yard that shade the area inconsistently. I live in Eastern WA, so the summers are super hot and the winters freezing. What crops should I plant next to each other? I heard growing the corn with the beans helps them to stabilize and reduces the need for trellis or stakes. Where should the corn and beans grow? To the North, East, South or West of the main beds? Thanks!
Home Gardener answers:
Check out this webpage:
Susan asks…
I got the vegetable seeds for a garden, now what? (3 questions)?
I got melon, cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, green pepper, tomato, cucumber, carrot, sweet corn, spinach and lettuce.
1. How do I prepare the soil?
2. Would should the layout of my garden be so that it would be easy for me harvest? Into squares? rows?
3. Should I put a fence around it because I have a dog and cats?
I sort of have an unlimited space for a garden. So size of a garden isn’t an issue…
Home Gardener answers:
1. Till the soil to achieve a fine granular texture. Add compost or manure, and a cheap fertilizer, then rototill that into the soil until you have blended soil, compost, and manure completely.
2. I recommend short rows with wide spaces in between for easy hoeing, fertilizing, picking weeds and harvesting.
3. I suggest a 7 foot fence made of chicken wire to surround the entire garden. I wouldn’t worry about your dog and cats, rabbits and deer are more the problem. They eat young plants and ruin tomatoes by biting into it then leaving it.
Jane asks…
Garden ideas for my new yard?
I just moved to Louisiana, zone 8b. My fiance and I bought a house that has just been built and is in desperate need of gardening and landscaping. I’m a beginner and need some easy, pretty, layout ideas. What are some websites and/or books that would help a beginner like me in this particular area? For example, I heard there are TWO growing seasons. Okay, I’m from northern Indiana, and we barely had one full growing season! Heh! What is the second growing season for? I also want to have a vegetable garden. Can anyone offer me any advice?? Thanks!!
Home Gardener answers:
Contact your local County Extention Agency and ask about the local Master Gardening club. They can tell you what works best for where you live, from what varieties to plant to the best time- and location- to plant, prune etc. They can also offer book titles, websites, the best nurseries etc. If no MG club, the agent should be able to point you in the right direction. By the way, the second growing season is to grow a second crop. It’s wonderful to live in Southern USA!
Steve asks…
Vegetable gardening in Ontario?
Howdy, I’ve never had a vegetable garden and i dont know when to start. and when my layout should be.. Really i need a walkthrough because i have no idea what im doing. Can anyone help?
Home Gardener answers:
Which Ontario? California, Oregon, Canada???
Mark asks…
Any suggestions for a pre-school layout?
If you were to develop an early childhood centre, what are things that you would put in your school. i once saw a school with a vegetable garden and a corner with animals. Any other cool suggestions? Any ideas about the layout that would make day to day activities easier?
Home Gardener answers:
I would LOVE a kid-size kitchen, and a “slop” room (a room with a drain in the floor that can be simply hosed out)
Cindy asks…
What kind of garden was the garden of Eden?
There are so many kinds of gardens. What kind was the garden of Eden?
Was it a flower garden?
A vegetable garden?
An English country garden?
A French garden?
A Chinese garden?
A kaiyu-shiki?
Did it have an orangery?
What was the layout?
There sure were a lot of trees. Are we sure it wasn’t an orchard?
Home Gardener answers:
It was an Olive Garden. They came for the fruit but couldn’t stay for the company.
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Questions And Answers On Garden Plants
Chris asks…
Garden Plants?
My son lives in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. His birthday is next month and he has asked me to take him to a local garden centre and buy him some plants to stock his ragged garden. The garden is east facing (so sunny, but also not that warm), he doesn’t know what soil he has (acid, alkaline, chalky, etc) and i need to find some easy, low-maintenance plants for him, but also something with a bit of colour. I am compiling a list from the huge RHS book, but can anyone help me make that list a bit longer? Also, if i can’t get them from a garden centre, what is a good website to order from?
Thank you all SO much for responding to this question. I have extended it for 4 days. Have made a long list, and also tried to email all respondents. Am very grateful. Bless you all. Barry.
Home Gardener answers:
My gardening tips are to create an easy to maintain garden with seasonal interest, rather than just a summer splash.
The plants that I use are:
Phormiums – come in range of leaf colours, variegated, green, reds to purple. Grows from 2′ to 5′ with large flower spikes, when established and in a good sunny spot. Spear shaped leaves.
Buddleia – the butterfly bush – showy flowers, attracted butterflies, from around June. Only need pruning hard, around Feb, then just let them riot. There’s also a variegated form, with purple flowers, otherwise flower colours from white, pinks to purple.
Lavenders:there are alot of different types:
Hidcote is around 18” tall, lovely dark blue flowers.
Old English: ‘lavender’ blue flowers, around 2-3′ tall.
French: these have coloured ‘wings’ ontop of their flowers.
All are best with a fairly harsh spring pruning, stops them getting leggy.
Heuchera’s: good for semi shaded areas, fantastic choice of leaf colours and textures, plus flowers too.
Sedum Spectabile is 1 of the easiest plants to grow: roots easily too, if he takes cuttings next year onwards. Attracts butterflies.
I’d add some grasses, for leaf texture variation. Festuca Glauca is a short very blue grass. Otherwise, there are tons of colours from red, to variegated green/white or golden.
A Peony will flourish in the same spot for 50years +, so is really easy and showy. Some come with scented flowers.
Daylilies are lovely summer flowering herbaceous plants, yellow, reds etc. (Hemerocalis is the botanical name)
Phlox paniculata are herbaceous summer flowering plants, whites to pink. Very easy.
Foxgloves are easy, but the typically grown types grow from seed one year, flower and die the next. Good in partial shade, especially for back of borders, as they can reach 6′ tall. Maybe you could start some from seed yourself, and post or take them to him?
Roses could be ok, either climbers or freestanding. Require an annual prune. Good long season colour.
Hardy Geraniums are easy showy plants, with long flowering periods – don’t confuse with the summer bedding geraniums, which aren’t hardy and thus not perennial in UK gardens.
I love Oriental Poppies, Papaver Orientalis – mine are just about to flower now. From white to pink, red, orange. Many with contrasting colours in the centre of the flower. Herbaceous.
Gaillardia have a broad colour range, for long summer periods of flowers.
Add some Hellebores for late winter, early spring colour:
Heeleborus Niger (Christmas ‘Rose’), white flowers or Helleborus Orientalis – late spring, whtie,pinks, reds. Herbaceous, but usually carry leaves through the year.
Lupins are also showy flowering herbaceous plants, in a wide colour range. Easy.
I’d add some bulbs, for flowering next spring:usually purchased/planted from around August. Daffodills/Narcissus, Bluebells, Scilla Siberica, Crocus, large flowered and species types, for easly spring flowers.
Tulips are lovely, but can be prone to rot, as you’re not sure of his soil type, might want to avoid. Best planted late autumn, even upto December.
Ref. Ordering: I’d shop around, as you’ll find variations in pricing. It’s also a really good idea to select the plants yourself, as you can pick the healthiest – I know he’s some way from you, but perhaps you could find some garden centres that are on your way, or local to him.
Hope these ideas help. I’ve chosen from what I grow and know are reasonably easy but showy plants.
Good luck! Rob
Shelley asks…
What are some garden plants that I can easily grow in Japan?
I have a small garden in Japan. I have already turned over the soil and the soil is rich. Now I need some plants. Preferably, I want some plants that you can eat like tomatoes and can grow fast.
Home Gardener answers:
Try planting corns! I’m not sure but here in Hokkaido, Summer-sunflowers, morning glory are easy to plant. If the season is cold, try strawberries, except winter. But before winter (autumn) here in Hokkaido, people plant cabbage, when winter comes, cabbages under the thick snow are amazingly sweet! Hope I helped!
Rachel asks…
What vegetable garden plants do aphids not like?
I am starting a garden want to find out what plants are not susceptible to aphid infestation. Many of my outdoor potted plants have had problems with aphids. Rather than trying to fight them, I would like to grow plants that are just not susceptible to aphid attack. Any suggestions?
Home Gardener answers:
They don’t like garlic, so I plant the flowering kinds (alium) next to my roses. And no aphids! I have 3 types, the large purple globes, pink lily-like flowers and smaller white flowering types. Maybe try sticking a few of the small variety bulbs in your planter and see if it works. The plants aren’t noticeably garlicy smelling, and they bloom in spring.
Mike asks…
are there garden plants that i can plant in the autumn or winter?
we are moving to a house with a huge backyard. But the front and back yards are depressingly devoid of shrubs and plants ans such. I want to liven the place up with garden plants. But I know its coming on winter – do I HAVE to wait for spring to get greeneries in pots or in the ground? Appreciate any help from you gardeners.
Home Gardener answers:
I love to plant winter Kale in the fall here in the Midwest USA. It has a dark green-to-purple foliage and is striking against the planters and in the early frosts/snows. I think it can be used in salads, too, but I find it too beautiful to cut!
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Questions And Answers On Grow Your Own Vegetables
Ken asks…
Where you able to leave everything beyond and plant your own vegetables and grow your own animals?
Home Gardener answers:
I’d starve to death, waiting for them to grow.
Kirstie asks…
Is it a sin in America to grow & consume your own vegetables , will you go to hell for doing so ?
H.R. 875
Is it a sin yet ?
Home Gardener answers:
It is not a sin, just government trying to reign in the populus and have us more firmly under their thumb. Government doesn’t want free thinkers, just dumb followers. It is scary what Gov’t is doing and not telling.
Shelley asks…
What type of incentive would persuade you to grow your own fruits and vegetables?
Home Gardener answers:
Having the space for a garden, a free supply of seeds, a shorter work week, and a tax write off.
That’s all I would need. Oh, and maybe someone to come over and weed the garden for free, but that’s not a deal breaker just a bonus.
Davina asks…
How much better is it really to grow your own fruit and vegetables, particularly organically?
Home Gardener answers:
Organic gardening is the best! You should try it. Be prepared for a big harvest and you will have to can, freeze, or give away a lot of stuff cuz it all comes at once.
David asks…
do you grow your own vegetables?
Home Gardener answers:
Sure but i need a hand turning the ground .
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Questions And Answers On Organic Home Gardening Vegetables
Kylee asks…
How to recycle different types of garbage? Are there any street trashboxes for metal, plastic, organics, etc?
I live in an appartment in a building, we have the trashboxes for glass, paper/cardboard, and the trashbox for all the other type of garbage
Also, we can get rid off our old batteries and old light-bulbs in most of supermarkets and malls
But can we recycle metal garbage such as steel, iron, aluminium paper, drink cans, etc?
And all those plastic bottles, and other plastic garbage?
And how can I recycle organic garbage (vegetables, fruits, etc ), although I don’t have a garden ( I live in an appartmen)?
Can I make compost at home??
Thank you in advance!!
Home Gardener answers:
Our city has recycle bins for each home and we have trash receptacle’s that are plastic. Cans can be recycled. I use s small waste basket in all our rooms and recycle grocery bags to use a trash bags before putting them in their containers outside. I don’t use the dish washer and I also hang dry all my clothing.
Enveloped and junk mail I recycle whatever can be used for my scrap books since there is a lot of paper waste or I use them to make note paper out of it for short notes to my husband. Instead of sponges I use dish rags that can be washed instead of paper towels and as well we use old T-shirt rags. Hotel shampoo or sample size soaps and stuff I use to hand wash clothing, I do my own dry cleaning w/ Dryell and the list goes on and on. You can get very creative when cooking as well, cook in bulk and freeze so you don’t waste electricity for the same amount of time cook two roasts instead of one in the crock pot. Also, cheaper. Home made cookies is cheaper than purchasing them. Also, if you have a dollar store close to you, you’d be surprised what you can find in there.
Ken asks…
Vegetarians – help me plan a menu please?
I was thinking for a meal for 6 people (everything will be home made, including any breads, pastas and sauces, and all vegetables and fruit are from my garden are organic (PS Everybody is mad on my garlic i grow jumbo sized cloves, that don’t smell on the breath!! )
to start
Cream of Wild Mushroom soup, with garlic croutons
Stuffed baby patty-pan squashes with a filing including wild rice, smoked tofu, shallots and fresh herbs and a little garlic, served with a roasted tomato sauce, wilted spinach courgette and carrot ribbons.
Lemon cheesecake served with raspberries and whipped cream
selection of vegetarian cheeses and biscuits, grapes
port, cognac, liqueurs
hand made chocolates
My question is, is it balanced enough or what other suggestions would you make
Thumbs Down fairy – GO AWAY!!
Home Gardener answers:
Yummmmm……….humus would taste nice too with the crackers
Rachel asks…
What should I be looking for to determine the QUALITY of vitamins?
My husband & I have decided to add vitamins to our diet. He is in his 40′s me my 30′s. We have a very busy lifestyle, with 4 young children & we each work full-time with part-time jobs. We average 6 hrs of sleep.
I would like to think we eat “well” but we do not. All meals are ate at home. Our meat is all home grown & organic or wild.. (beef, pork, lamb, pheasant etc, venison) We eat lots of vegatables esp in the fall with 50% of our veggies being garden raised. (Not that we are health food nuts, but it is cheaper to raise your own if you have the means) Fruit is not ate very often in our home. (except by the kids) Canola oil is used in place of vegetable oil. I am overweight, my husband is a little but does more physically demanding work that I. We both have arthritis (me rhuematory, him osteo) We drink lots of water not much milk… I never drink milk. And sorry we will not be adding chicken or fish to our diets.
My question is how do you determine, by looking at a label, the difference in vitamins. How do I know what is easily and readily used by the body? I do not wish to try to balance vitamins myself by taking several. Can anyone suggest a good colon cleansing product as well? If you know of a good vitamin brand that is affordable please recommend. We are on a tight income so spending $100 per month is crazy to us.
I have heard One a Day’s are not that beneficial & the body does not utilize much of them…basically just flushing it down the toilet.
Ensure? gross…are you kidding me?
Thanks guy in the city, we are carnivores…LOL
Can’t stand the taste of olive oil, tried it.
We do drink V-8 occasionally. Bread is always whole wheat and usually homemade. Our pasta is not whole wheat tho.
Oh, believe me I KNOW we don’t get enuf sleep but there are not enuf hours in the day.
Home Gardener answers:
Hate to break it to you but Vitamins for most people do little to nothing. If your eating lots of veggies your getting a good portion of your vitamins there. If you can afford it the easiest thing to do is to switch to olive oil. Olive oil has a lot of anti-oxidants in it and it has good fats which help reduce your cholesterol level. You can buy big jars of it at a warehouse club. You are eating just red meat which in moderation is Okay. But too much read meat can lead to heart disease and other ailments. Are you getting any complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread? The worst thing you can eat is probably white bread. It gets converted directly to sugar in the body. If you don’t use that sugar for energy then it goes directly to fat. You should really be eating some fruits and that does not include apple juice. There is basically no nutritional value in apple juice it is basically sugar water. The V-8 juice or juice fusion drinks are very good tasting. Since you guys are in your 30′s and 40′s 6 hours of sleep is not good at all. 6 Hours is normal for people in their mid to late 50′s to the later years. You should at least get 7-8 hours most nights.
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Questions And Answers On Horticulture Definition
Mark asks…
What is the simple definition of the difference between a gamete and a haploid?
I am studying horticulture and understand that a gamete is sperm or egg. I also understand that a haploid is half… but……… doesn’t that make it a sperm or egg and isn’t that the same?
Home Gardener answers:
Not quite. A gamete is the actual sex cell, like sperm or egg.
Haploid on the other hand is more of an adjective, describing that the gamete has half the number of chromosomes of a normal cell (which would be diploid, instead.)
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Questions And Answers On Grow Your Own Food Blog
Rachel asks…
Can they put you in jail for growing your own food?
News | August 15, 2010 | 154 comments Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food
S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
11 million Ukraine people staved to death when they removed their food and seeds and farm equipment..most of the seed today will only grow one crop.Monsanto makes it that way.
Raiding organic food stores. A sign of new times?” at:…
“Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water.” at:…
“Why do people in America refuse to take active interest in their future?” at…
S 510
Home Gardener answers:
If that is true then I will be going to jail. Big brother can’t stop me from growing food in my garden and giving fresh produce to my neighbors.
Davina asks…
Why doesn’t the government leave our rights to grow and eat foods alone?
Check out this site and find out why the government wants to eliminate your ability to grow and eat your own food or organic foods grown by others. Are you tired of the oppression of this government yet?
Home Gardener answers:
POWER!!!!…they are stealing our money…they are stealing our rights…and they are stealing our freedoms. They are coming after our health care…and it won’t be long before they come after our guns…they want control of your thermostat in your house…they want to put a GPS in your car so they can tax you for every mile you move and will know every move you make…they are coming after the very businesses that hire many of us if they feel that business is presenting a danger to the economy………so whats left people????….WHATS LEFT???…..OUR FOOD!!!….Next time you go to the local produce market, produce stand, orchard market just stop your shopping and stand and look…LOOK at the bounty of wonderful food we are blessed with…take a real close look because YOUR GOVERNMENT WANTS TO DESTROY IT!!…YOUR president and his willful demons in congress despises YOU!!!….they despise our GREAT NATION!!!…if Americans don’t get some kahunas and stand up to this BLATANT TYRANNY then you DESERVE TO STARVE!!!…THIS crew that has infected the white house and congress will not stop until they control every once of YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!!!….IF we don’t know from history what happens to the population that ALLOWS the government to control everything including the food supply what hope is there for this nation….THANKS libs for the dumbing down of our population!!!…I guess today most people have no idea what Stalin did to his population…here is a hint…HE STARVED TO DEATH MILLIONS OF HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN!!!…WAKE UP AND GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR KEYSTER AMERICA!!!….
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