Questions And Answers On Landscape Designer Jobs
Graham asks…
Is it worth it to hire a landscape designer/consultant?
We built a home on an acreage and will be landscaping this spring/summer. We plan to do the grading/planting ourselves and have some ideas, but the sheer size, shape and topography of the lot itself is scaring the heck out of me!
The idea is to landscape with native plants (zone 3) and trees, and I’m willing to do the research to decide what to plant, but I’m afraid that the choices we make won’t work together cohesively. Since we have a (very) limited budget the whole landscaping job will take a few years to complete and I’m worried what we put in this spring won’t work in a few years from now…
Do you have any experience with hiring a landscape consultant/designer and was it worth it??
Home Gardener answers:
If I had had the money when I was younger I may have considered hiring a pro..
Now with 50 years of gardening and landscaping experience, I am the pro.
If you’re comfortable doing research, I’d say do it yourself.
Look around your area for landscapes you admire and when you find one you like stop, knock on the door and ask questions.
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David asks…
Could I become a landscape designer with a major in Agriculture Business and minor in Horticulture?
I have wanted to be a landscape designer for a long time. I had to go to the most affordable school in my state though. This school does not offer Landscape design or anything like that. I asked the school if I would be able to become a landscape designer with major: Agri Business / minor: Horticulture. I do have a work study job with the schools master gardener who also designs the landscapes on campus. I am getting a lot of experience working with her that I can add to what I already know about landscaping. I have also been drawing landscape designs for fun since I was in high school and gardening since I was real little. I have a lot of experience with plants and I know a lot about plants. This is the only school that I can got to so I hope this major and minor will help me. Thanks to all who take the time to read this and answer. I also want to own my own nursery.
Home Gardener answers:
Well, anyone can be a landscape designer. You may know landcaping and plants, but you actually have to know how to draw and design…those are different classes. One can generally take those on the side without having to go through a whole other degree. I would suggest, since you already know so much about plants, is to take some landscape graphics courses and design on the side.
Chris asks…
questions for Landscape Design or related career fields..?
I am going for my bachelors in horticulture in the spring and am wondering about the agriculture career field..
I search careers for a landscape designer and dont find too much, how are the jobs?
Is it easy to step up in the career, i.e. landscape architect, business ownership.?
Home Gardener answers:
As a designer, you can start your own business pretty easily, with few startup costs and should be able to make a comfortable living.
The next step would be to become a landscape architect, but I’m not sure what the earning would be at this present time.
Elizabeth asks…
Consulting? jobs in landscaping?
I already work full time as a landscape and irrigation designer and drafter. I am trying to come up with a way to do work on the side (non-competing) using my knowledge and skills, that doesn’t involve tons of physical labor, and that doesn’t keep me on the computer all weekend, as during the week.
Home Gardener answers:
I know someone with a job just like you’re talking about. Meet with people, take samples, measurement, go home, draw up a design, then turn around and give it to the customer so they can do the labor on their time and in their budget. Pretty simple.
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