Archive for the ‘Home Gardening Q & A’s’ Category
Questions And Answers On Home And Gardens Kitchens
Richard asks…
do these kitchen knives on eBay look like a good purchase?|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318
Obviously they are cheap and from an unknown brand – what advantage would there be in buying more expensive ones from a more well known source?
Home Gardener answers:
Cheap knives will not hold an edge, I suggest that you purchased brand like Henckels which are made in Germany, I saw that store like Kohls was selling it at $30 a set while it was worth $100(early bird sale). My hunting knives are Case and Buck, both are made in America. Chicago Cutlery do make good knife. Cheap knives will not cut anyway thing except your finger.
Don asks…
details for vermiculture and bio-organic in kitchen garden at home?
Home Gardener answers:
Here is a post about it.
Lisa asks…
I am making kitchen cupboards out of mdf, but i would like them to have a high gloss finish. What paint i use?
I would rather use spray paint as it is a better finish. My old doors were painted in cupbord paint and the brush marks were really obvious. I want them to look like this…….
Home Gardener answers:
You can use any gloss paint, in a spray can if you do not have some sort of sprayer. You can also use just about any paint mat,semi gloss and topcoat with spray laquer to acieve the gloss finsih. This also opens a few options like glazing, ect. If you would want to get really creative.
Paul asks…
Is it worh me having a tumble dryer? I find that my clothes are still damp in the evening?
I live in a housing association flat and although I live in a warm place the clothes can still be slightly damp the next day. My washing maschine is 1500 spin ring so it shouldn’t take too long. I am tempted to buy one just to get the damp out of the clothes as I find some of the can smell a bit if I have to leave them open up for a few days. What do you think? I normally hang my wet cloths on a clothes horse in the hall with the kitchen window open. I was thinking of buying a a mini one like
Home Gardener answers:
Absolutely worth it.. I don’t know what it is with hang drying?! I mean.. If it’s fresh outside, it leaves a nice clean sent.. But if your clothes get rained on.. Or an animal gets too close.. They don’t dry fast enough.. Or any number of things happen, then they smell bad and you have to rewash.
I am an expat.. I have always had a washer and dryer, but now in my new home I have neither.. And it totally sucks.. I’m hoping to get both within the month..
The dryer that you listed looks decent.. And is not expensive, man, I wish I could find something that cheap here.. Each unit will cost me about 5 times that, so if I want both.. Ouch!
So, I would say check the consumer reports on the one you have listed, as well as others, and buy a dryer best quality for the money you have to spend and that meets your needs.
Happy Laundering!
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Questions And Answers On Better Homes And Gardens Bedding
Rachel asks…
plastic garden beds seen on better homes and gardens?
i saw the episode a few weeks ago, does anyone know where to get them from??? they’re plastic but look like wood. thanx.
Home Gardener answers:
Try one of the bigger garden centres, they might sell them
or b&q
Don asks…
I MUST find this bedding set from one BHG book?
I went to the library and got the book COLOR SCHEMES MADE EASY by Better Homes and Gardens.
On page75 there is the most gorgeous bedding set. I MUST have it. I can’t find anywhere in the book where it lists the design or company name for it, nothing. I can’t find anything helpful on the BHG website.
Does ANYONE know where I can find this bedding?
it’s the NEW colors schemes made easy 2008 edition
Home Gardener answers:
You could contact BHG customer service and give them the details of the item and the book you saw it in. Try emailing them at this email address:
Good luck.
Shelley asks…
which comforter do you like better for my room?
I am painting my walls a light blue color.
which bed do you like
Black and White theme: (in white)
Blue and Brown theme:
Home Gardener answers:
I think the black and white will look nicer with the light blue walls.
You can bring more blues into the room in the way of a throw rug and throw pillows.
Then some black & white art or posters on the walls and it will all come together.
Thomas asks…
searchin for a bedding collection?
im lookin for the fantasia collection from the better homes and garden line. iv found the curtains at walmart but they dont seem to carry any of the bedding products that go along with it and im searching for the pillow shams to complete the collection i already have. does anyone know where i can find them at?
Home Gardener answers:
Check with better homes and garden….
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Questions And Answers On Landscape Architect
Jemima asks…
Landscape Architect?
What is the best way to go about becoming a Landscape Architect as far as schooling and etc. Live in Georgia
Home Gardener answers:
Try might give you some ideas.
David asks…
landscape architect?
I don’t have the money right now, but would it be ok if contacted a landscape architect to see how much I would be looking for? Or should I wait till I KNOW I have the money to get what I am looking for? I don’t want to waste anyone’s time, but I am dying to know how much a patio, outdoor kitchen, and screen enclosure is going to run me! Thanks.
Home Gardener answers:
Don’t worry bout wasting peoples time, most are glad to help. Besides, it’ll give you somethin to work towards and plan out
Shelley asks…
How much time does a landscape architect spend inside compared to outside?
A landscape architect, not landscape designer (they spend nearly all their time outside). Best answer will go to the person who backs their answer up with plenty of examples.
Home Gardener answers:
I suppose it would depend a little on the individual, but generally, they are going to spend a smaller amount of time measuring the landscape, and observing lay and light, and the larger portion of time at their desk making renderings, and possibly even making changes on paper. Probably comes out to 10/90 or 20/80 in terms of time split.
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Questions And Answers On Gardening For Dummies
Caroline asks…
Is there a Gardening for Dummies site ?
I just bought my first house and I finally have a nice big yard. I want to start gardening but I have the black thumb of doom when it comes to plants. Is there a good web site for people like me who are just starting with gardening ? Like how to start compost, tips, what certain plants need, stuff like that that is easy to understand.
Home Gardener answers:
You might try going to the local junior college for an extension course.There are several sites for the book:
or go directly to their site:
Chris asks…
Why is “Vegetable Gardening for Dummies” so expensive – is it out of print? If so, will…?
…it be republished?
This book is one of the many from the popular “Dummies” how-to series. Charlie Nardozzi is the author.
Home Gardener answers:
It is indeed out of print. However, it’s been replaced by the Gardening All-in-One book, which describes itself as “7 books in one”. Its final sub-book is the vegetable gardening book, and was written by the same Charlie Nardozzi, probably taken from the same text as the Vegetable Gardening book.
I imagine there’s enough common material on the basics of gardening that it doesn’t really merit 7 separate books, which are more effort to produce, more valuable space on bookstore shelves, etc.
And at $20 at Amazon it’s a lot cheaper and more complete than the old book.
Shelley asks…
Gardening for dummies?
I am starting a garden, I have cleared the spot of all grass and weeds, tilled the dirt and am ready to put down potting soil to mix in to existing dirt. Now I am ready to plant. I have zuchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and tomatoe seeds, what is the best way to do this? Need any and all advice for novice gardener…..PLEASE
Home Gardener answers:
Best thing you can do at this point is to blend in your potting soil and start planting. With seeds, you’ll need to read the packets to find out spacing for the seeds and the plants themselves.. After seeding, water to keep the soil moist (but not soaking wet).
Wait for the plants to germinate, then thin them out, as recommended.
Keep record or mark what you planted where.. That way, you can know what’s coming up, what’s doing well and what’s not.
Be ready to stake or cage your tomatoes as they start to grow.. They tend to fall over and be messy. Cukes and squash spread out.. A LOT, so give them room to grow.
Good luck.. Enjoy your veggies!
Jemima asks…
gardening for dummies?
trying to revive my garden ground is hard and have bought soil amender, top soil, manure, and compost. my husband is going to till it and im not sure in which order or i put all this stuff. i know im opening myself to a lot of criticism i am new to this and am trying to learn please be kind.
Home Gardener answers:
My personal opinion is that you don’t need all that fancy stuff, Buy a soil test kit to see what blend of fertilize you need to bring the fertility up , spread it over the garden area and till it in. When you transplant , pour Miracle Gro into the hole as you set the plant to give them a jump start. When the plants start to bloom , spray Miracle Gro on them every two weeks during active fruiting for better production. Good luck and happy gardening.
Marie asks…
Gardening help…?
I recently bought a house, and know nothing about gardening but have the need to beautify my new yard with flowers. Does anyone know a good website for gardening dummies like myself? My boring colorless yard thanks you
Home Gardener answers:
My i suggest you take the time and look the neighboorhood over-you will find people that have spent a lot of money finding the right plants for your area-most are glad to help you with information.
Jane asks…
New to Gardening?
Hi, I am completely new to gardening, adn I was wondering if anyone could proivide me with info adn help. We just purchased our first home and although the house itself is beautiful, the garden isnt. Let me explain…. We live in an upper cottage flat adn with most, the front is for the pepole who live below us and we thought the whole back area would be ours. However, that is not how it is. What I am trying to say is that ours is shaped like an L and it is a nice size. It does need to be levelled off though as it goes ona slope. I guess what I am trying to say is that we havent got alot of money to do this. Would we be better to get a few friends round adn start digging this summer?I myself think thats a daft idea but partner doesnt. My other question is, I want to have lovely flowers adn some veg growing out back but not sure when to plant ect. Are there any gardening books out their for gardening dummies such as myself? I want it to become a hobby in future.Thanks in advance
would like to add that we are in Glasgow so weather might be a problem in some suggestions Ie, the type of flowers we plant may not thrive due to our adverse weather conditions
Home Gardener answers:
First get the ground levelled off and stand back and make rough plans. Then check out your soil type because then you will know what will grow well (I can’t grow acid loving plants like Rhodedendroms) you can get a soil checker from garden centre. A greenhouse is a good idea to protect things from the frost and wind and you can grow from seed. The best thing to do is ask neighbours and see what they successfully grow.
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Questions And Answers On Home Gardens
Davina asks…
What is the best type/brand of tobacco for making tobacco water pesticide for home gardens?
What is the best kind of tobacco to buy for making tobacco water for pesticide for my home gardens. I bought a can of Grizzly natural Chewing tobacco becasue it was cheap, but is there a better brand to buy or are cigarette tobaccos better to use for pesticides? Also what is the best method of making it? I heard that just boiling in a pot of water and straining out the tobacco works well but is there a better way?
Home Gardener answers:
N. Rustica has the highest amount of nicotine and is often used as a pesticide. Boiling it down will work just fine.
Kylee asks…
Is the President trying to tax small home gardens?
I hear that President Obama is trying to put taxes on small home gardens because if you have one you don’t use your local store for fruit and veggies and that’s bad for the economy is that right?
Home Gardener answers:
What a load of hooey – don’t believe everything you hear.
They can tax my garden when they pry my homegrown tomatoes out of my cold, dead hand.
Cindy asks…
Best insecticide for home gardens?
What is the best, and safest, insecticide to use for home vegetable gardens?
Home Gardener answers:
The best natural Insecticide is burning neem leaves in ur garden it keeps the harmful insects away however doesnt kill the earthworms
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Questions And Answers On Retaining Walls Design
Paul asks…
What do you need to have in order to design a retaining wall?
I just need some general info on the design of retaining walls when you are about to construct a building complex.
I can answer my question Yahoo! Answers but I wanted more information because the more ideas you have, the better your chances to arrive at the best answer.
Home Gardener answers:
List of plausable materials, what the substrate is made up of, bracing materials, and method to be used. Will you need to use a liner to prevent washout?
Lynn asks…
free retaining wall design using rail road cross ties?
Home Gardener answers:
Lay out the ties, drill holes and drive 3/4″ re-bar through into the ground.
Go through all the ties, and go at least 12″ into the ground for each tie. And don’t go more than 4 ties high as they will tend to lean if you do.
Remember that these will rot out after several years.
Good luck.
Davina asks…
where can i get a retaining wall structure drawing???i already design the reinforcement but…?
i already design the reinforcement….but don;t know how to draw the detailing like the spacing between the pipe…..i just need a complete drawing of retaining wall…..where can i get it??help……
Home Gardener answers:
You can also go to the city planning commission and get drawings for retaining walls and the materials you will need, some area’s require special materials so you need to ask. And that is what you pay them for with your taxes anyway. I checked out the site that was recomendedand it showed a couple of examples of thier mesihing system, I liiked the ideal but like I said go to the building office they are going to be the ones that will tell you how it has to be built.
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Questions And Answers On Garden Design Software
John asks…
Any free garden design software out there?
Home Gardener answers:
Try Garden Insight Software:
But remember…you get what you pay for!
Jemima asks…
Professional Garden Design Software?
Hi Everyone!
I am looking for a professional garden design software (CAD), which helps me to move from hand drawing to the computer. I am looking for a program that will allow me to create hand drawn look-a-likes on the PC. I found a software called DynaScape, but it is rather expensive (3000$).
Any suggestions?
Home Gardener answers:
WOW nice information i get from you.thank you
Paul asks…
Landscape / Garden Design Software – any recommendations please?
Home Gardener answers:
Check the altavista or google images for landscaping, you will get hundreds of ideas…
Rachel asks…
Best Garden Design Software.?
Hi, I am looking for Garden design software to start a large garden project.
It will need to be easy to use, have the ability to stage a large garden. I would also prefer for it to have its own database of commonly used plants, eg: If I want to have a rose bed I would like to be able to place rose plants not just see the writing. It would be ideally around the $50 mark and no more. Any one know of anything like that. Many thanks in advance for your answers.
Home Gardener answers:
Here is a free trial with limitations.
Trial Limitations
The trial contains a small number of plants and other objects, but is otherwise fully functional. A watermark appears on movies and printouts. The full version of the software comes with over 12,000 objects and a printed Quick Start guide.
Marie asks…
Hi – I am looking for a laptop/netbook which can handle powerful garden design software…?
…any suggestions?
What size hard drive?
Solid state?
Should I get a laptop built for gaming and be done with it?
I have a fairly restricted budget.
All answers appreciated – Thanks in advance.
Home Gardener answers:
Any laptop with 3GB RAM minimum, and a Dual-Core Pentium processor at T5400 and above. HDD Size about 300GB minumum
I’ll give you a few links;
Hope it helps!
Caroline asks…
best software for garden design?
whats the best software for an aspiring garden design?
Home Gardener answers:
The Game called “the sims” if very popular for people who want to desighn houses very easly and or gardens! Soo i suggest you get into gaming with the Sims!
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Questions And Answers On Home Garden Show
Shelley asks…
Anyone know the name or manufacturer of the lawn chair shown at the Seattle Home Show by L&E Garden Swings?
I saw a picture in the Times with a really cool looking lawn chair at the L&E Garden Swings booth. But I can’t find any information online.
Home Gardener answers:
I like it , too!…
Wayne asks…
Does anyone remember a show on one of the home and garden channels about making a cement planter box?
I watched a show about 2 years ago and a lady made a cool planter box out of cement that takes a month or so to dry. Then she put a rock garden and other succulants and I would love to watch that again so I can make one. Thanks.,1785,HGTV_3561_4834334_01,00.html i found it!!
Home Gardener answers:
How funny! I do remember that but I think I saw it in a women’s magazine. There was a kit that you could send off for and I think you molded the planter around something else and then it dry forever! I seem to recall that it was cement mixed with perlite, that stuff you usually mix in potting soil. Seems like you could just purchase some Quik Crete at the Home Depot and make a mess on your own! LOL Let me know if you do, I always wanted to make one as well!
Daniel asks…
How can I find a “How To” site that shows me how to build a windmill for my home garden decor?
Home Gardener answers:
Here is one site that is selling plans to make your own windmill. The plans cost $9.95 and it is a really cute windmill. I will keep checking to see if I can find another option, maybe even free!
Lisa asks…
Home & garden makeover shows?
How do you apply/get on these shows????
Home Gardener answers:
Most probably each show have their website , you can apply there, It’s very easy.
Kylee asks…
In my garden my show plants are getting spoiled by black ants ?Any help?
Black ants are consistently spoiling my show plants and I dont have any plant disinfectant to protect them .Is there any home remedy to protect plants from black ants?Please help !I cant see my plants dying one by one.:(
Home Gardener answers:
Try soaking very hot peppers in water and spray..also check for aphids some ants farm them like we do cows ,they will move them and their eggs around on the plants..good luck!
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Questions And Answers On Flower Beds
Davina asks…
Flower beds?
I need a safe way to keep kittens out of my flower beds. I heard citrus oil anyone ever used this and if so does it work?
Home Gardener answers:
Try a combination of citrus peels and moth balls.
Plant catnip and cat mint in an area where they are allowed to go.
Dig out a two by two area and replace the dirt with sand – thus providing them with a specific area to poo. Be sure to clean this out often, so they will continue to use this space and not other areas of the garden.
Plant rue, as cats d not like it…nor do they like thorny plants.
Do not use cayenne pepper with kittens. If they should get it on themselves and lick it, they cannot get the pepper out of their mouths! It is a cruel method to use for dogs or cats!
Hope this helps.
David asks…
How do I make flower beds when the area in my yard is small hills?
I would like the flower beds to flow over or with the small hills and mounds. The hills I speak of are 2-3 feet high.
I need ideas on how to start the actual beds. I know how to chalk off, etc but should I dig into the present soil or try raised beds? Use borders of some type of wood? Use pinestraw borders? If I dig into present soil, how deep?
Home Gardener answers:
When you dig a new flower bed the soil expands as you break it up. Even on flat ground you end up with a mound. Of course, it eventually sinks back down as it settles. Most informal beds are constructed as small mounds so your hills should work just fine for this. I recommend using rocks or brick for a boundary as you can acheive a more natural look than with timbers. You don’t need to dig deeply UNLESS there are roots that would resprout and come up among your flowers. I have clay soil and find 12″ to be adequate. Mix any amendments (compost) into this. Set your plants, mulch and water deeply. The link below has many pictures in several different areas.
Helena asks…
How can I clean my Flower beds, which are now full of weeds ?
Weeds are growing in the Flower beds very quickly. It is in alarming dimensions, it grows like anything with in days.
Home Gardener answers:
Good luck the problem is that the dirt is now full of the seeds that the weeds that are growing in there. The best way to rid the weeds is to replace the dirt. Or pull the weeds and keep up with it, weeds grow anywhere and are pretty much dedicated to nothing other than reproducing. Not that other plant arent but weeds adapt to thier surroundings and flowers are not native to most ares.
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Questions And Answers On Home Gardening In Oklahoma
Mike asks…
rocks & minerals mixed with quartz?
Here’s a geology question.
I found a rock roughly the size of a cantaloupe melon in the rock garden at my home in Oklahoma. It looks like a big piece of of opaque quartz. There appear to be a couple of other minerals, or metal combined with the quartz. I’m wondering what the other two items might be. One looks like a type of rock, it’s a pinkish color that has some dark lines marbled through it. The second looks like it might be a silver metal. It’s hard to tell for sure, it’s very shiny and might just be some crystal clear quartz that broke of so smooth that it’s very reflective.
Any of you geology fans out there know what I might be looking at in this chunk?
Home Gardener answers:
It might to have a photo to identify the other minerals.
But there are a number of other minerals that could occur with quartz, particularly since it’s one of the later minerals to crystalize from magma. Any impurieties can be included in the quartz itself, or may just tint the quartz a different color.
The pink might just be rose quartz or a feldspar. The silver metallic mineral might be inclusions of rutile if it’s rod-shaped, or it may be an internal fracture that catches and reflects/refracts the light differently than the rest of the quartz.
Best to post a photo (and maybe put this question in the Geology section instead of Botany).
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